This is one story that I forgot to write about during lecture phase. We were asked to write about our time when we all had to preach about the Kingdom of God in front of the class. At this time when we were asked to, I was excited to preach, but when the time came to actually preach I was in crisis.
There was a guest here at the castle whom didn't know Jesus and I met him when I was sitting in the prayer room the evening before I had to preach. He was homeless for about a month and at this time in his life without hope. He point blank asked me, "why do you believe in Jesus? Everyone says they can feel God around them and feel Jesus, but I feel nothing."
I quickly summed up a multitude of correct answers which explained the gospel and how God talked to me, but none of them came from my heart. As I was speaking to this boy, I realized I was asking the same questions the boy asked to myself. From that moment on and till the very moment I had to preach I was in a state of complete darkness, ignorant to the fact of such measure I was under spiritual attack that God allowed to happen by the way, (in then end it strengthened me.) I partially completed everything I wanted to say for my sermon and then just sat down. I was so wrapped up in what the boy said, I believed it too, why do I believe in God if I don't always feel Him? I don't always feel Him, how do I know that its the truth and not just a figment of my mind. These weren't tiny little doubts I had in my head, but serious consideration that what if everything I believed in was a lie, how can I prove God exists? With what physical, scientific measures do I know He exists. If I believe this Christianity is the truth with what if not physical measures, but logic can I back this up?
It was one of the darkest, most painful experiences I have had, not physically, but spiritually and psychologically. You don't have to go to hell to experience what life with out God is like, that itself is hell on earth.
I was seriously considering not believing in God, because I couldn't feel Him or when I called out to Him He never showed me a sign He was real, I couldn't prove it. I met my match with God at this time and read a scripture, one of my favourites, Hebrews 11:1 " Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. "
At this moment I realized it was a choice, God wasn't going to spoon feed all of the answers. God constanly gives me answers and direction, but because I doubt the smallest requests of God I have to really search out His heart for my life to be able to listen and have attuned ears to the Holy Spirit. God is not always a God of good feelings or satisfaction, but a God of truth that knows way more about logic and Himself than I do. I have to accept at some point some things I will never be able to explain. In Hebrews 11:3 & 6 it explains this further, " By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible...And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewads those who earnestly seek him. "
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Outreach Recapp
Here are a couple pictures of many that I have from my outreach in Ethiopia. I have a video to help explain what I have been doing and my experience. It was a challenging time but worth it. I hope my video will paint the picture of how it was for me.
![]() |
A street in Ethiopia. |
Amele Degaga and friend. |
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Part 1. Outreach Addis Ababa Team
It is so incredible how complex God is and the ways he operates, they are too vast for me to comprehend. God is constantly blowing my mind with the things I am learning here and skills I am acquiring. I don't even know where to begin, but I will do my best. So, at the moment my school has split up into two teams, one team has gone down to Kenya and Uganda and my team is staying here in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In the past four weeks prior to now our whole school has been in Addis Ababa working with several ministries here. We have been involved with a ministry called Hope Enterprise, which is a feeding centre for homeless, as well as the YWAM school in Ethiopia, and multiple prayer sessions for the city of Addis Ababa. When we've prayed, we usually went on long walks through the city, going where we feel the Holy Spirit calling us to go. We've had some spectacular experiences from prayer walking and just praising God into every place we walk. We have also helped out with the Koshe Project, which is a project that started through the YWAM Herrnhut base; that helps girls who have worked in the Koshe garbage dump for a living be able to go to school and not have to work at the dump. The Koshe Project has an after school program for these girls, where they give them food, teach them Bible lessons, English lessons, and help them with their home work. In each of the ministries we have volunteered to serve in any way we can, sometimes even preaching.

Personally, its a joy and a blessing to be involved with the people here. Spending time with the people of All For Christ in the village they live in was so moving, it is beyond words. I have never seen extreme poverty before my time here and its amazing the blessing these people, who have nothing, are to me and I believe I can speak on behalf of my team as well. There is such joy they express towards us when we visit them, they are so beautiful, offering us whatever they have, which is not a whole lot. They, for the most part, freely pour out their deepest hurts to us, express their greatest fears of survival and beliefs of God.
Living in a community of believers sharing the same sleeping quarters and eating place every day is a challenge, but a huge privilege to get to know my class mates and be surrounded by spirit filled people. I have grown so much in my walk with God since I have left in January, its amazing what can happen in your life when you give God personal time outside of everything you know.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Confession to Man (week 8 & 9)
mini-outreach has come and gone, such a whirlwind everything is. The team I was on stayed in Germany, we
went to a town called Dilligen. We were staying at a church there for two
weeks, helping out with the activities of the church, like youth or healing
prayer and also doing ministry. We had two art shows, (one was on the street,
so cool) where we displayed our photographs and drawings, performed dances and
music. Liz and the Lions, (a band at the base) performed at the church a couple
of times, it was awesome! We were also busy on the street, just handing out
tracts, advertising for the events we were having at the church and just
talking to people. We made lit up balloons and handed them out at night, with
bible verses attached, all kinds of creative things were happening! It was a
good example of what serving is going to look like on outreach. It was amazing
to see, and a blessing how the church loved our coming. The church had been
looking for a break through for this town; it was only 20 years ago that in
Dilligen if you didn’t attend church you couldn’t maintain a job. So, the feel
of the town was interesting, we all felt like that the people of this town were
open to hearing the gospel, but there was definitely a battle waging, like
always. The church was so happy that there were missionaries coming to their
church, that they gave us around 3 cakes a day and made us lunch and dinner
everyday, such a blessing! It was awesome that we were able to put together all
of our prayers and impressions for them in a photo album and just return the
blessing! Even, just getting to
know the youth of the church was such a blessing, and everyone we met was such
a blessing to talk to.
it was a time of real growth, at this time God really put on my heart something
He had wanted me to be free of. It was kind of an uncomfortable time, (which
brought up past issues) but I pushed through, just trying to seek Him and not
rely on my own understanding and it all worked out for the better. When our
team arrived back in Herrnhut, I asked for prayer from my people back here and
set free fears, which I hadn’t put an end to in the past. It was tres cool that
I could finally just let go, be vulnerable with the group and seek out prayer!
One highlight for me for the two weeks is that your life is a choice, you
choose what you want to be ruler over your life and when this finally drilled
into my head it was such a revelation. This had been spoken to me and I
understood this for a while, but over these two weeks I put it into practice.
When I am put in a situation where I am afraid of, or uncomfortable in the past
I have had someone or something for comfort, but on this mini-outreach I had
people but it was really up to me to make something good come out of it if I
wanted to. It was up to me to face fears and habits and unhealthy thoughts, so
I did, when forced into a corner it is surprising what you will do. Always a
most revitalizing thing to remember is that the same power that rose Jesus
Christ from the dead is inside of you, nothing is out of our grasp in whom who
created everything.
I also have come a long way, now
that I think of it, in allowing people to help me, or being open about what’s
going on. Inspired by many words people have spoken to me about community,
almost like seeds to my belief. Even Ruth, (my DTS leader) spoke truth about
the community here at YWAM. She said we might not all have met or gotten close
if we were outside of YWAM, but that doesn’t matter, what does matter is that we
are all here to seek God. That if I walked into any room at the base and asked
for prayer 9 times out of 10 people would gather around and pray for me,
because in this community of believers we are for each other, not against. Wow,
what a testament of the body of Christ. Then upon, further revelation, on
mini-outreach, I was reading “Is That Really You God,” (a book we have to read
for DTS) and I found this quote.
“But confession to man brings
humility and unity and makes a repentant person ready to receive God’s healing
of mind, emotion, and body. Confession is good for the soul.”
I just think that is mind
blowing, because I read that the night Ruth told me this, wow! I believe too,
that not just confession of sins, but of attitude of feeling, of struggles
brings the same healing. It shows you know you can’t do it alone and that together
as the body of Christ, we are going to allow ourselves to lean on each other
and work towards that goal, of deep relationship in the holy and mighty Savior,
God, Prince of Peace.
Philemon 1:5
“ because I hear about your faith
in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. I pray that you maybe
active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of
every good thing we have in Christ. Your love has given me great joy and
encouragement, because you, brother, have reflected the hearts of the saints.”
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Building Stones (week 7)
I feel like in DTS each week, you just
have a bombardment of revelations of God and His truth. It's
difficult to compile all of your revelations into one blog, but I
will try. It's also not always in lecture that all of my bombardments
occur. So, this week for our speaker Rogerio spoke on spiritual ware
fare. He made a good point that spiritual ware fare is not just
heebie jeebies and ooohhh spirits etc...but spiritual ware fare is
how you control your bad habits, how you keep your discipline and
obedience to God. If you keep your focus on God, or get distracted by
the world around you that is also spiritual ware fare. You don't need
to be impressed by darkness or ignorant of it, but acknowledge when
its around and deal with it. Spiritual ware fare is how you walk out
your life with God. I agree with him and have had similar revelations
of this fact in different times in my life even prior to DTS.
This week and last week I have been
really encouraged and inspired to think differently of God's plan for
my life. Rogerio said that God doesn't care what we do, but what our
relationship with Christ looks like, and that just gave me such a
peace. To state clearly, God cares not what we accomplish from
worldly standards, or with our talents, but He cares how we express
our talents. God cares our heart of the matter, most of all He cares
about our relationship with Him. I realize as well that when your
heart and mind are align with God, so also will your actions and I am
at peace with this. Your identity lies not in what you do, but whom
you serve.
It was such an inspiring conversation
too that I had with Corrie, basically the leader of all operations at
the base, on Monday, which totally aligns with the identity topic
we've had in lectures this week. Corrie spoke with me about
different paths you can take in YWAM for secondary schools, and I
have been thinking a lot about my schooling and what I would like to
study. Since, I have been here I have been slowly growing a heart for
Germany and missions, but I feel God is preparing me slowly for what
He has in store. My desire is to study Anthropology(the study of
people and culture) and History and to apply that to modern day
people and missions, to serve God and communities with knowledge of
the people and surroundings and of course take pictures of them! To
know the history and context of things, cultures, and apply it to
knowledge and history of the bible and see people differently. I feel
God leading me to be bolder, to speak more, to follow these urgings
of wanting knowledge of people's circumstances and backgrounds, and
wanting knowledge of the bible, but I think it might be a slow
process. For me, I would love to just jump in head on into missions,
but I also know there is much work to be done in my heart. Corrie
showed me some options through YWAM studying Anthropology related
courses and my heart surged! I am so excited that there are these
options through YWAM, but I also feel that eventually God will want
me in secular education. There aren't a lot of Christian
Anthropologists, aka Archaeologists, or cultural Anthropologists or
evolution, forward thinkers who agree with the Bible and everything
in it. So, I have gone through all of this to say that I don't know
what will happen when I leave this school at the end of DTS. If God
will have me do another YWAM school to build my foundation or
something else, but I do know that He is concentrating on my
character and my identity in Christ as I have spoken earlier about.
Corrie, really influenced me on Monday when she spoke to me about
this, how in order for God to prepare you for something big or
something just more, first you have to have a strong character and
identity in Christ. She explained further that what if you go for a
few years and speed up your process of education and get so excited
you just throw yourself into the field, you will flop, because the
knowledge and experience of education and being in the field, as well
as the foundation in Him will not be there as a guideline. It might
take some years to go through all of this, good thing I am starting
now, haha. It was just a reconfirmation and resounding in my soul
when Rogerio spoke on Tuesday about how God cannot use you if you
first don't look at your character, which can only produce fruit when
it comes from God, Almighty. A couple verses that stuck out for me
this week through all that I have talked about was Phillipians
2:12-13, which had actually popped into my head Tuesday morning and
it was like hey Sierra, remember these verses....and I was like oh
yeaah, right. Then, when Roger spoke on Tuesday about character he
mentioned these verses and they are just so applicable to what is
going on , here they are. “ Therefore, my dear friends, as you have
always obeyed-not only in my presence, but now much more in my
absence-continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,
for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his
good purpose.” What a powerful passage of the Bible, as is the
whole thing, haha. So, here I am in the developing process in my
caccoon, as a cool Canadian, Rachael, once spoke over me. I am
developing, and as Corrie spoke to me, I am learning to enjoy the
process of developing, not only of schooling and field experience in
my area of interest, but character and identity in Christ. I am
learning to work what I love into every day life; to have the
discipline in my life with the talents God has given me. I have also
come to this conclusion on my own, that I can have fun being in this
process, that I don't have to wait till the end of my education, or
career in foundational schools, to say fwwf okay now I am a
beautiful, butterfly everything is complete, I will be free and enjoy
flying. No, stop it! This part is fun, doing what you love and
enjoying learning, (which I will never be finished, haha.)
On a side note, I would just like to
say that Corrie is a smart lady. When we spoke of education, she
instructed me not to go into debt, because you will become a slave to
your debt. I absolutely agree, so I will pray about going into
welding as I had planned to when I go back home or wherever I do
welding, or if I go home, or for whatever length of time, haha, a lot
of or and ifs for future plans. Its nifty, that you can go into
welding for one school semester and then be able to have a better
paying summer job between school and have a certificate usable for a
practical skill. So, thanks Corrie, I will put this into a practical,
prayer, application!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Thinking Patterns (week five)
On a side note, I found it
interesting when Fiona talked about different ways that people can
think. Specifically she showed us a few ways of thinking, which I am
sure there are variations in between. There is what there is called
linear, spiral, circular and matrix. The linear way of thinking is
from a to b to c, everything leads to a clear point and clearly
connects. Then there is spiral where there is a point, but if you
think of like a cinnamon bun or spiral with a dot in the middle, it
takes forever to get to the point or dot in the middle. The circular
thinking is like a circle of circles that are somewhat related, but
each circle can each have separate points and you decide whether they
fit together or not. Matrix is slightly more confusing it looks like
a basket weave when you focus on it. The whole picture is a woven
basket when you back it up, but each point is like the individual
straw which intersects with another straw. So, each point intersects
with another point, but not all at the same point, but the whole
picture fits together if you listen to the whole story. I feel like
sometimes, its almost like each point or straw can be considered
linear when you focus in on it, but not linear to each other. So, a
intersects with c, but b intersects with d and d to a maybe,
they're all related in the bigger picture, but not necessarily
I think this is so cool, because for a
while I thought in order for me to make sense I would have to try
really hard to go from a to b, but God created each one of us
differently for a specific reason. There is nothing odd, or unusual
about me, this is the way I am and its perfect. Even, when I had my
one on one with her, it was cool when she was speaking to me about
the way I think and speak. I explained to her that I think I am a
matrix thinker and I feel like I need to undergo intensive
communicative courses, but she said no, you don't need to change the
way you are just explain where you are coming from not freak out or
be hard on yourself. Its very comforting to me and I don't care now
if I don't always make sense, because I just have to learn to explain
where I am coming from and if people don't care to hear the end of my
story, the bigger picture, they weren't meant to hear it.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Rest (Week 6)
This week there was definitely a different tune playing, there are like 200 people at the base, wowser!! It was exciting on Monday we had base worship and all of the students from the September `MOTA school of a hundred or so, plus our 15 student school and some leaders worshipped together in one room! They just came back from outreach, so the energy in the room was envigorating!
Although, it was very exciting and everything having all these cool people around it has gotten a bit overwhelming towards the end of the week, just because of the "aggressive schedule." haha On a serious note, I think this week is a good example of resting in God, despite the chaos around you, putting God first no matter what. I felt a little frustrated with blogging and pictures and everything, its crazy that this is how the school is usually like, the bustle of people and crazy crowds! In light of all this frustration, I am super excited for mini outreach! For my mini outreach I am headed to Germany, whoo, so staying right where I am, yay! I am developing a heart for Germany and the people here, I am enthralled when I get out of the castle, go to Shalbot, or Jesus Haus and spend a little more time in the culture. I love how direct, most Germans are, and I just have a curiosity for the missions side of things, all the atheists and the darkness we always speak about. I could probably go on for a paragraph more, but I will keep it concise.
So, how I am trying to keep myself in check with my frustrations and gnarling, fleshy, side of me, is by addressing my spiritual tree and arrowing up. An interesting point, Corey made (our speaker this week), was that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is in us. That when our roots are soaking up nutrience from the spirit we can be used as tools for Christ, that power that we soak up with our roots can be expressed through our fruit on our spiritual tree. So, its such a blessing word to receive for the week, because all week I was struggling with frustrations, like a normal human, and I just needed to soak my roots in the word and prayer.
Friday, February 24, 2012
This is the weekend Fina, Raquel and I went to Prague.
Luke(one of our leaders), with the stuffed french toast! yummy |
It was an awesome weekend, I love all the buildings and architecture of Prague.
Fina and I. |
We toured around the old part of the city, and checked out stuff!
Raquel |
One of the unique church buildings. |
Luke, hiding in the castle wall. |
The Castle |
A parade we ran into while touring! |
This guy was determined to paint our face black?? |
The view of the city from the castle steps! |
Here are some black and white pictures I took of Prague, for fun and for my project!
Schweet Warehouse In Herrnhut
This is an amazing warehouse about a 15 min walk out of Herrnhut that the photo students here love to go and take pictures and practice their art. Here are some of my pictures!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Old Habits (week five)
So, week five was kind of a contingent from what Ollie said Friday and the weekend. On the weekend before the begining of this week Raquel and Fina helped speak into a weakness of my life. Raquel said to focus on God, instead of what I am struggling with and sometimes you will be stuggling with something, not being completely happy or depressed, but content just focusing on God. I think sometimes thats just the way it is, you have to muscle through the rough patches, you feel like your not making any progress, but its just a grizzly part of the metaphorical steak.
Then Ollie, before the weekend spoke on Friday about your passions and hard times. I am paraphrasing, but he said sometimes its just hard, because its hard, not because your in the wrong place, wrong track. Sometimes its just hard because its hard and you have to have the endurance and perseverence to see it through, the endurance to see what God has planned for you and more.
So, the weeks before these last two I
was riding the honeymoon high of DTS. So excited to be here, and
experiencing revelation upon revelation of God's truth and love in my
life. Then, these two weeks I definitely crashed a little. I
understand God's power in my life, now its retraining my thought
patterns that dwell on sin and choosing to not go back to my old
ways. This is the hard part, where it really means something, past
the emotions and feelings to the actions from your words.
Then Ollie, before the weekend spoke on Friday about your passions and hard times. I am paraphrasing, but he said sometimes its just hard, because its hard, not because your in the wrong place, wrong track. Sometimes its just hard because its hard and you have to have the endurance and perseverence to see it through, the endurance to see what God has planned for you and more.
You have to have the discipline in
prayer when its tough, discipline for your art.
Its ironic that this week Fiona our
speaker, spoke to us on sin, repentance and the gospel. She spoke
about sin, what it is exactly. It is not just the action of sin, but
the habits and thinking patterns of sin. You have to retrain your
thoughts in every way, and ARROW UP to God, exactly what I needed to
hear, so faithful God! This knowledge also shed light into a
revelation of mine to concern myself only of what God thinks not to
do it on my own or think on my own prideful standards for myself, all
made possible by arrowing up!
Fiona also shed light into an
interesting topic of the Gospel. When we go out on missions and when
we talk to non-believers who have never heard of the gospel what will
we tell them?? We responded oh, yes, of course we know the Gospel and
she told us to explain it. Hmmm so yah, there is a God, umm they
might ask who is that?? Uhh well He created the whole universe, they
might ask why and we respond because He loves us and wanted companionship
and in some cultures, they would be like huhhh okay...... so you can
see my point. She explained with non-believers we have to break it
down, always start with God loves everyone, sin seperates (that will
be hard to explain), Jesus saves, and then theres a choice. The
Gospel to me is the foundations of Jesus Christ and this resonates
something within my soul, what she said. The Gospel is so simple, yet
so difficult just in these few steps of faith, the biggest steps of
your life.
She was such a cool speaker, and I
quite enjoyed an exercise she made us do with a partner. We took our
partner and stared directly into their eyes for about five minutes,
and weren't allowed to look away. Then she spoke to us that we are to
look at the person as how God sees them! Wow, that was so cool and
the end of looking into that person's eyes I just couldn't stop
thinking how beautiful they were and I almost cried. How heinous we
are as creatures to insult God's creation, to insult that which He
loves so deeply!
Monday, February 20, 2012
The graveyard! |
Amanda front, then chloe, then pia. |
Chloe! |
Monday, February 13, 2012
God Says Walk and I Stand (week 4)
This week for me, was all about understanding " The Calling." We talked about missions work and the leaders spoke about their experiences. Ruth spoke about four girls her and Ola helped to make a cafe with in Ethiopia. Only one came to Christ, that was a bit of an eye opener for me. The rest of the girls couldn't handle the freedom, I guess in following Christ and leading a different life, so they went back to their old ways of life in prostitution. All of these testimonies from the leaders really moved me, as well as when Liz spoke about when she went to Africa and how she and her team got swept off their feet when they left. They left Africa in a time of crisis and it hit me when she told us that she was overwhelmed with the fact that the U.S. Army even sent in airplanes and military to get all their American people out, but the people of Africa had no choice but to stay, because that is their life. Wow, what is this?
Another thing which made me think was the team who went to Ethiopia who talked about the children they rescued from mingi. Mingi is a condition where in a tribe, if children are born out of wedlock, with deformed teeth, or other deformities they are killed. The team in Ethiopia at the time realized something must be done to rescue these children and they made trips to put these kids in orphanages or what not. Kristen spoke about how the first child they rescued, had to sleep on her stomach for the night, because the child was so ill. It was incredible hearing this even second hand it was so moving. All of these stories, just really made me think, what I was doing with my life, to help people, to further God's kingdom and use the talents he has given me.
I feel God's hand so strongly in my life in this time. All of these things are built up, the base, the cool experiences, God's love, the passion I feel inside of me, but when He calls me to walk I stand. True I get off the ground, but He has called me to so much more. I even had some experiences of people at the base speaking into my life, what they felt God wanted them to tell me. Dycke from the base spoke to me about some things, that reconfirmed past words that people have spoke to me before and feelings and words I have received myself from God.
I can remember on tuesday in worship I felt like shouting YES JESUS, just being so excited, and i stopped after one really awkward Jesus cheer… Yeah… Jesus… Fear of man swallowed me whole in this moment. I felt dead to the spirit, it was horrible. Past issues of fear and bonds I already have broken popped back up . What the heck is going on?
I felt like God wasn't speaking to me, I was a little out of sort! It came to me that God had already spoken to me and continues to, but it was the same questions He had for me. Will you follow me no matter what, in whatever circumstances, no matter whatever people think?How much will you really commit to me, Sierra?
When the week started to wind down, I realized when I felt I let God down in the little step of not shouting in worship, its true I couldn't follow through, but my calling was not sabotaged in this action. I felt paralyzed by fear, because I know God tests us in the little steps in order to lead us to the big steps for Him , but God was trying to show me something. Its true I have choices to obey, but the God of the universe knows me better than anyone else and He knew I wouldn't be able to feel shout that day. God knew that an area of my life needed to be exposed, before I could move on. Fear of man was rooted in past fears planted in my brain. I let the fears of the past define who I am, based on what I try so hard not to be. Its a constant proving myself strategy, which has nothing to do with
What happened next was really cool, such an answer to prayer. I went to Prague, Czech Republic for the weekend with Fina and Raquel and through that we had some cool conversations! I explained to them what I was struggling with, past issues I thought I had dealt with etc.. Raquel told me not to let the sin itself become your idol. She explained in her experience when she tried to let a sin or something go, she would focus on what she wasn't going to do and then do it again get mad and start all over. She would continue to focus on what she wasn't going to do, when she did it it got worse and she felt bad that she did it, cause that is what she wasn't ever going to do again. It was a vicious cycle. She finally figured out to focus on God, not the sin, and to not beat herself up if she did it, but to just go okay I messed up, now what is God doing in my life today. This was extremely helpful, and made me think of higher things, instead of getting pulled into old thought patterns.
That rest of the weekend after we had that talk Friday night went well, and I was way more content. Not necessarily always overjoyed, but content to be with God amongst the struggle.
We also went to church on Sunday and i just thought it was so school that in a nation where christianity was rare I was going to church and worshipping God! Although, there was nothing extraordinary about church that day, just being there and praising God was really cool! That suffices week four!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Castle Life, and Work Duties
The Once Photo Lab/Now Ollie and Liz's place, (base staff). |
Community Room/ Lecture Room |
The top floor, hallway, where the girls rooms are. |
A photo at the top of the stairs. |
The staff floor. |
The Cafe |
The bottom of the stairs. |
The boot room at the bottom of the stairs. |
Dining Room |
Map of the world, in the dining room. |
Coffee hallway, and entrance to the castle. |
Map of Germany in the middle of the stairs. |
Kitchen! |
The dungeon, where we're kept when we're bad and I go to get food for breakfast prep. |
The freezers for food! |
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