I feel like in DTS each week, you just
have a bombardment of revelations of God and His truth. It's
difficult to compile all of your revelations into one blog, but I
will try. It's also not always in lecture that all of my bombardments
occur. So, this week for our speaker Rogerio spoke on spiritual ware
fare. He made a good point that spiritual ware fare is not just
heebie jeebies and ooohhh spirits etc...but spiritual ware fare is
how you control your bad habits, how you keep your discipline and
obedience to God. If you keep your focus on God, or get distracted by
the world around you that is also spiritual ware fare. You don't need
to be impressed by darkness or ignorant of it, but acknowledge when
its around and deal with it. Spiritual ware fare is how you walk out
your life with God. I agree with him and have had similar revelations
of this fact in different times in my life even prior to DTS.
This week and last week I have been
really encouraged and inspired to think differently of God's plan for
my life. Rogerio said that God doesn't care what we do, but what our
relationship with Christ looks like, and that just gave me such a
peace. To state clearly, God cares not what we accomplish from
worldly standards, or with our talents, but He cares how we express
our talents. God cares our heart of the matter, most of all He cares
about our relationship with Him. I realize as well that when your
heart and mind are align with God, so also will your actions and I am
at peace with this. Your identity lies not in what you do, but whom
you serve.
It was such an inspiring conversation
too that I had with Corrie, basically the leader of all operations at
the base, on Monday, which totally aligns with the identity topic
we've had in lectures this week. Corrie spoke with me about
different paths you can take in YWAM for secondary schools, and I
have been thinking a lot about my schooling and what I would like to
study. Since, I have been here I have been slowly growing a heart for
Germany and missions, but I feel God is preparing me slowly for what
He has in store. My desire is to study Anthropology(the study of
people and culture) and History and to apply that to modern day
people and missions, to serve God and communities with knowledge of
the people and surroundings and of course take pictures of them! To
know the history and context of things, cultures, and apply it to
knowledge and history of the bible and see people differently. I feel
God leading me to be bolder, to speak more, to follow these urgings
of wanting knowledge of people's circumstances and backgrounds, and
wanting knowledge of the bible, but I think it might be a slow
process. For me, I would love to just jump in head on into missions,
but I also know there is much work to be done in my heart. Corrie
showed me some options through YWAM studying Anthropology related
courses and my heart surged! I am so excited that there are these
options through YWAM, but I also feel that eventually God will want
me in secular education. There aren't a lot of Christian
Anthropologists, aka Archaeologists, or cultural Anthropologists or
evolution, forward thinkers who agree with the Bible and everything
in it. So, I have gone through all of this to say that I don't know
what will happen when I leave this school at the end of DTS. If God
will have me do another YWAM school to build my foundation or
something else, but I do know that He is concentrating on my
character and my identity in Christ as I have spoken earlier about.
Corrie, really influenced me on Monday when she spoke to me about
this, how in order for God to prepare you for something big or
something just more, first you have to have a strong character and
identity in Christ. She explained further that what if you go for a
few years and speed up your process of education and get so excited
you just throw yourself into the field, you will flop, because the
knowledge and experience of education and being in the field, as well
as the foundation in Him will not be there as a guideline. It might
take some years to go through all of this, good thing I am starting
now, haha. It was just a reconfirmation and resounding in my soul
when Rogerio spoke on Tuesday about how God cannot use you if you
first don't look at your character, which can only produce fruit when
it comes from God, Almighty. A couple verses that stuck out for me
this week through all that I have talked about was Phillipians
2:12-13, which had actually popped into my head Tuesday morning and
it was like hey Sierra, remember these verses....and I was like oh
yeaah, right. Then, when Roger spoke on Tuesday about character he
mentioned these verses and they are just so applicable to what is
going on , here they are. “ Therefore, my dear friends, as you have
always obeyed-not only in my presence, but now much more in my
absence-continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,
for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his
good purpose.” What a powerful passage of the Bible, as is the
whole thing, haha. So, here I am in the developing process in my
caccoon, as a cool Canadian, Rachael, once spoke over me. I am
developing, and as Corrie spoke to me, I am learning to enjoy the
process of developing, not only of schooling and field experience in
my area of interest, but character and identity in Christ. I am
learning to work what I love into every day life; to have the
discipline in my life with the talents God has given me. I have also
come to this conclusion on my own, that I can have fun being in this
process, that I don't have to wait till the end of my education, or
career in foundational schools, to say fwwf okay now I am a
beautiful, butterfly everything is complete, I will be free and enjoy
flying. No, stop it! This part is fun, doing what you love and
enjoying learning, (which I will never be finished, haha.)
On a side note, I would just like to
say that Corrie is a smart lady. When we spoke of education, she
instructed me not to go into debt, because you will become a slave to
your debt. I absolutely agree, so I will pray about going into
welding as I had planned to when I go back home or wherever I do
welding, or if I go home, or for whatever length of time, haha, a lot
of or and ifs for future plans. Its nifty, that you can go into
welding for one school semester and then be able to have a better
paying summer job between school and have a certificate usable for a
practical skill. So, thanks Corrie, I will put this into a practical,
prayer, application!
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